Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Jamie Yeo - Multi-Talented Beauty

Clad in a long red-sleeved sweater, denim shorts and knee-length boots, 29-year-old Jamie Yeo dazzled many as she strolled into SPH's auditorium last Friday afternoon as the celebrity guest of that day's SPH workshop for Media Club students of various secondary schools. Although no one could be seen cheering or clapping visibly, it was inevitable that the impact of her appearance had caused excitment in many.
It was not hard to guess, from the way Jamie carried herself, that she was or had been a model some point in her life. Besides modelling, she was also known for being one of the most popular DJs on local radiostation, 98.7FM. In fact, she was so popular, she came out tops in LIME magazine's Favourite DJ poll 3 years in a row! Teenagers and adults alike recognized her for being 'The Cute One' on radio and she being a familiar face on television certainly boosted her popularity. You might remember her from Channel 8's hit drama serials: 'Holland Village' and 'The Champion'. Currently, she has shifted from being a full-time DJ to hosting two live shows on ESPON and Star Sports.
Although she was hit with all sorts of questions like 'Do you plan to have children in the future?' and 'How do you feel when you see yourself on television?' from the budding journalists in the room, Jamie answered them enthusiastically, occasionally giggling when struck with a difficult one.
What do you like about being a DJ?
- I like how I don't have to make sure I look okay because I can just walk into the studio without make-up wearing a pair of slippers, having messy hair and still be able to go on air!
What do you think are the high points in your life?
- High points? I wouldn't like to say I've reached a particular 'high point' because I think that in every stage of life, there are different peaks we have to reach and I do not want to say that I have already reached my highest point because that would mean I will not improve and stop at that point when I have higher goals to reach in life. Every job has its own 'highest point'. When I was doing Holland Village, I had horrible Mandarin. However, after completing a 100 episodes of the drama, I have definitely improved.
What do you like most about hosting shows like 'Football Crazy' and 'Football Extra'?
- I like how the show isn't serious. It's light-hearted and fun! I enjoy working with the guys because they are easy-going and sociable. Plus, there are very little girls working there so they treat me very well and I never feel left out *Laughs*
How do you overcome your nervousness when hosting live shows?
- I try not to drink too much water before a show because I tend to go to the toilet often when I get nervous. Also, I'll read through my script, make sure I am fully aware and familiar with what I am doing because I want to be as prepared as possible.
What do you like to blog about?
- It sounds cliche, but blogging about Love is usually the easiest for me, because I find it easy to express myself.
When you blog, do you do it honestly?
- Yes, everything I blog about is true but I always mind what I say because I do not disclose personal things which I feel the public does not need to know. It is good to be honest but I know my limits, and I am careful with what I say as well because I know anyone can read my blog if they wanted to.
Any advice for young bloggers?
- I think it is a good idea to use your blog as a platform for improving your English, especially when you all are budding journalists, so make an effort to type properly!
Did you have an ambition of being an artiste in Secondary School?
- No I never did! I was a nerd in school before going to America to study when I was thirteen. I wanted to become a genetic engineer but it obviously didn't come true!
Do you plan to have children in the future?
- I'm sure every girl wants to have children someday. Sometimes you see someone carrying a baby and you'll be thinking, 'Hey yeah, I could do that too'. I want to do my part for the society as a woman as well so yes I will definitely have children in the future, just not in the near future. I am a planner and I want my baby to come at the most perfect time in my life where I can shower all my love and attention on my child.
How about others plans for the future?
- I don't like to plan things too far ahead, maybe just for a year or so. For the next year I will have my contract with Espon and I'm just waiting for things to fall in place, because I do need to rest as well.
What's the best thing that's every happened to you in life?
- Falling in love, whether it was with my first boyfriend or whatsoever. And as you know, I'm married. If I had a million dollars, I wouldn't mind stopping work and just being with the guy. The main point is the experience I've had in my relationships.
What do you do in your free time?
- Oh alot of my friends think I'm the kind who will go out shopping and hang out in malls but the truth is, I'd rather stay at home and lie down in front of the television with my dog.
How do you feel when you see yourself on television?
- Oh man most of the time I go 'Ewww...' - that kind of reaction! I'm always telling myself I could have done better in doing things like pronouncing my words properly and saying them with more feelings. I watch my hand movements and all too. And I am very particular about the way I look on television!
How did you feel the first time you went on air?
- Extremely, extremely nervous. I remember I talked really fast and said stupid things too. One example was right after I introduced a song, I hesitated then said, 'Bye!' and switched off the mic when I shouldn't have because it wasn't time to end the show yet!
Who are your idols?
- I don't really look up to anyone in particular because we are all human and we all makes mistakes. However, I really respect my pastors, especially those that have done a lot in the name of charity. But if you are talking about in terms of superstars, I love Johnny Depp! I've met him before once, when he came to Singapore. That was when I was still in polytechnic. My friends and I caught a glimpse of him when he walked passed. He's actually really short!
Are you involved in activities to serve the community?
- Yes, I host events for the disabled for free and more.
Did you often get bullied in school?
- Well I was from Fairfield Primary and Nanyang Girls' Secondary and during those days, I was nerdy with short hair and glasses. When I headed to America to study, I was made fun of a little so I guess you could say I was bullied. The students there just liked making fun of girls that looked like me. Anyway, things got a lot better when my parents transferred me to a Christian school. I changed a fair bit then, ditching my spectacles for contact lenses and such.
Given a chance to do something new, what will you want to do and why?
- I would like to host a cooking show - because my cooking is terrible! I would want to learn how to cook, gain culinary skills from chefs. I hope to be able to go to the kitchen again and serve delicious food to my friends and relatives.
Any advice for people wishing to be media stars in the future?
- You have always got to be realistic because some people may make it while others don't. To get into the industry, it is also a good idea to take care of the way you look and how you speak. Anyway, study hard, at least get a degree, so you'll always have lots of other choices. Be passionate about the things you're doing and do your best to find out as much as you can about your interest. For example, if you want to be a DJ, improve the way you speak. Learn the best and never give up!
The interview ended about an hour later, with the Media Club reporters being invited to take pictures and get autographs signed by Jamie before the session ended. Like other SPH workshops, the experience was great and every person in the room certainly got to learn alot more the friendly, chatty star. Who said anything about successful stars putting on airs?

Me and Jamie Yeo! :D
Our Yuying Basketball C Girls in Finals of Adidas Cup
Loud applause and cheering could be heard from the crowd as Yuying's C Girls from Basketball flew across the court, in many attempts to try scoring a goal for their team. Much effort and sacrifices were made for the finals but with their zest, enthusiam and high spirits, Yuying was confident that they would do well. The game was an exciting one as the opponents were strong and the scores were close to one another. Being a spectator, it was stressful to watch them play as we were all worried that the opposite team's score would triumph over our school's. There was a sense of urgency in the air as to who would emerge the eventual winner. The court was filled with tension and we could see our players putting their hearts and souls into winning. Their mind was set and focused on reaching their goal, just like how an eagle sets its eyes on a prey. Our girls did a fantastic job in displaying their best efforts. However, Lady Luck was not with them and our C Girls eventually lost to their opponents from Bedok Green Secondary School.
Even though they did not make it as the champion, we are proud of them as they were able to make it all the way to the finals. There is always next time, always another opportunity to win, so we hope that the C Girls will learn from experience and work even harder for the next tournament- you girls can do it! Winning is merely an added bonus, it is the process that shapes a person's character, hence, we would like to once again congratulate our girls for making Yuying proud and we look forward to hearing many success stories in the near future!

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Hello people! :D
Headed to MediaCorp For Campus-SuperStar Preview.
Met some of my friends at Kovan Hub at 4pm in the afternoon.
Reached MediaCorp at around 4.30-5pm,
and there were lots of people hanging around in the reception area.
Met quite a number of 'star-search' contestants,they are pretty and handsome people. :D
And there's once when i pointed at a guy,and i said. '' STAR-SEARCH '' very softly,
guest what the guy react?
He turned back,waved and gave a very blithe smile.
Oh,so embarrassing! HAHAHA.
It's time whereby we need to be seated in the studio.
We went to studio 1,the same studio when i went for 'music in the air '.
Had taken light sticks,and the recording starts at 7pm all the way to 10.45pm.
Lots of rumours,lots of fun,it's a total madness!
There were lots of N.G scenes too,where they need to re-take some parts of the show.
Anyway,there were some technical problems in the middle of the recording,
but everything went on smoothly after that.
Pornsak was right infront of me,interviewing a girl named apple because she's a half thai.
Desmond Koh,PornSak,and other contestants were comic people.
Pornsak said his role in bowling,is that to 'clear' the drain.
Because he always can't aim,and no matter he roll right or left,
it will either ended up on one of the side and roll all the way.LOL.
Zhengning performed a 3-step dance,and it was absolutely great.
A moment later,the contestant wanted to go to the washroom,and so do us!
So when it's time for interval,the whole lot of them rushed from the stage to the washroom.
Met ZiJie and Wilson in the gents too.
I walked passed Shawn and Benjamin,
thought they will be meeting us at the reception area,
so i don't even bother to take a picture with them.
But no,they didn't,so i am regretting it now.
Recording ended at around 11pm.
Waited for the contestants at the reception area.
Took pictures and autographs from them.
Zhengning was bad,she didn't want to get closed with the crowd.
So she just walked passed us and said that she had exams the next day.
Like Hello? Sunday having exams? What a rubbish.
Didn't met shawn,benjamin and zijie in the reception area after the recording ends.=(
I want to watch live in the finals,next saturday.TICKETS PLEASE. :D
Anyway,this monday Campus-SuperStar Preview is going to be great,do catch it alright ? :D
Left MediaCorp after taking pictures and getting autographs from some of the contestants.
Followed Xinrong and others to buy drinks.
I am so hyper now,today was great,seriously.
We went total madness after the recording,being crazy in the middle of the night.
Where people are sleeping,dreaming and living in their own world.
Can you imagine,when you are screaming with a group of people around 12.30am ?
Shouting and screaming out loudly along the roadside where nobody is around was really fun.
Overall,the Preview was definetly awesome and i totally enjoyed myself.
Anyway,i just spent $6.20 today. :D
Four person sharing a cab is so worth it,especially it's midnigh and we had to pay extra,
but i only paid 4bucks and is more than enough. :D
Tired,got to go and rest now.
I will let the pictures do the rest of the talking.
Tags reply :
-Shuying : Thankyou.I love my blog too.Hahaha,and take care too! (:
-illi : You're a spoilt child,not maybe.But is already the fact.
-Joey : Alright,getting better now i suppose? Take care. (:
-Weiting : Thanks for tagging! :D
-Elvina : Hello elvina,how're you?
-Angie : I will try if i have time to create a blogskin for you,see how.
-Kimberly : You're are relinked}
-Pamela : I miss pamela too! Take care. (:
-Weiting : You better play a part in the project,you never do anything.So slack.
-Luying : Yes,i do miss you.Haha,come back singapore fast alright?Outing soon.(:
-Shariel : Thankyou,Study hard too yeah.Take care. (:
-Angie : I will try,haha.But your blogskin is alright,but the background and tagboard is a problem.
-Jasline : You're linked! (:
-Syahira : Huh ? I thought i had already linked you long ago ?

TERI. (:













Thursday, August 09, 2007
Had National Day Celebration at Bishan Park yesterday.
Had NE race after marching past.
There are five stations for us to complete.
I am lazy to elaborate,let's make it short.
-The first station, we need to write down which flags represent which country.
-The second station, to pass marbles through chopsticks.
-The third station,fill in the missing words of the national anthem on the worksheets.
-The fourth station,use rubber bands to form the word 'N.E'.
-The last station,decorate the mascort that can best represent Singapore.
Congratualations to some of our classmates who won the competitve race.
Our class for wining the Second Best NE awards.